Expansion of the economy fueling fears of an impending recession.

Expansion of the economy fueling fears of an impending recession.

The time is again of the bull market when everyone in a way makes the decision that the things have gotten beyond the level of rationality and have been taking over the equities and the demand for the investors who have gone berserk is brisk.

The concern isn’t unnatural whenever this market is buoyant. However at a time where it has been 11 years into expansion and rallying, the values of shares have gone up by a level of $1 trillion in only two weeks, the skeptics have been speaking up.

The records are falling again and again with the S& P 500 setting a new one every few days while the valuations keep falling. This is enough to make the biggest of bulls feel the pinch about an impending recession.

The dread is all but natural as a human reaction to the market which has appeared to have made itself free from the bad news. A panic in global health and the economies in Europe seeing flat lines and bond yields inverting has restrained the stock market.

It is perhaps wrong to look as per experts to complain at the time the stocks are surging however it is seeming like the half of Wall Street is protesting when the stocks have been rising by 1% or there is a spike in Tesla.

The stock market is not what it used to be earlier. It is no longer the report card of the health broadly of commerce in America and has instead been hijacked by 4 to 5 companies who almost hold a position of monopoly in the market and keep rising basically by themselves.

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