‘Four hours to walk off pizza calories’ warning works experts say

‘Four hours to walk off pizza calories’ warning works experts say

UK researchers say that the amount of exercise needed to burn off the calories in a food should be displayed in its packet or container.

According to researchers, it takes roughly 22 minutes of running to burn out the calories after having a chocolate bar and almost four hours of walking to burn the calories after having a regular-sized pizza.

This information will raise awareness among the people taking the food item and the idea of how much energy it contains. It would also trigger people to have an idea about how much exercise they would require to burn out the calories.

The aim of this is to make people stay and eat healthier and fight against obesity.

According to the researchers at the Loughborough University after looking at the results of 14 studies they have come to the conclusion that such labeling on food items containing butter and oil would reduce approximately 200 calories off a person’s diet.

It may not sound much but in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, it says that it would have a very good impact on the obesity levels which are on a rise across the country.

About two-thirds of the people in the UK are either overweight or suffer from obesity.

Leading researcher Professor Amanda Daley said that it is a very good idea to find different ways to make the people make good choices about what they eat and thus remain more physically active.

Food is one of the most important things contributing to the overall health. It is said that 95% of our body formation and weight is due to our daily dietary intake.

Professor Daley says that the amount of extra food we take is beyond imagination and most people would be shocked to see the amount of calories they are taking or the amount of physical activity they have to do after taking the food.

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